When To Follow Up After Interview
You have been interviewed and it went well. You are interested in the job too, but you are not sure how to follow up, what to say, or even when to follow up after interview.
Be prepared to leave a voicemail message if you don’t reach the person directly. Be sure to leave a phone number, but know that you may not get a callback. If you leave a voicemail, follow up 2–3 days later with an email.
Follow Up Call After Interview
Use this script to follow up after an interview if you haven’t heard anything back.
- Send a written thank you note within 48 hours after the interview.
- If you were given a timeframe in the interview for a decision or next step and that time has passed (at least one day after the date you were told — but preferably 2–3 days afterwards, since people are busy), it’s a good idea to follow up.
- Note: Consider an email as your first follow-up unless the hiring manager gave you permission at the end of the interview to call OR if it’s been more than a week and you haven’t received a reply to your email follow-up.
Be prepared to leave a voicemail message if you don’t reach the person directly. Be sure to leave a phone number, but know that you may not get a callback. If you leave a voicemail, follow up 2–3 days later with an email.
If you do reach the person directly, use the scenario below:
Hi. This is (your name) and I interviewed with you for the position of (job title) on (date).
I wanted to reiterate that I’m very interested in the job, and I wondered: Are you close to making a decision yet?
[If no: I wanted to be sure you had all the information you needed from me. Is there anything else I can provide you with to help you make your decision?]
[If yes: That’s great. Am I still being considered?
Do you have a timetable for when you expect to make the decision? What is the next step?
[If the answer is “I don’t know” or you are given a future date, ask if you can follow-up.]
When would be an appropriate time for me to check back with you? I’m excited about this opportunity, but I know these things take time.
[Hiring manager may give a specific time or may be noncommittal.]
Thanks again for the opportunity to be considered for this job.
You: Hi. This is Jim Jones, and I interviewed with you for the position of Business Analyst on the 28th. I wanted to let you know I’m still very interested in this job, and I wondered if you are close to making a decision yet.
Hiring Manager: I’m sorry, I’ve been swamped and haven’t had time to schedule the next round of interviews.
You: No problem. Am I still being considered for the job? And if so, is there anything else I can provide you with to help you make your decision?
Hiring Manager: No, I think I have everything I need.
You: Great. When would be an appropriate time for me to check back in with you? I’m excited about this opportunity, but I know these things take time.
Hiring Manager: Maybe in a week or two?
You: Thank you, I’ll check back in on the 17th then. Thanks again for the opportunity to be considered for this job.
Aside from all the details, it is important to know WHEN to follow up after interview. Follow up in the right time frame and outshine your competition this way.